FOR COLORED GIRLS: Movie Trailer. Watch more top selected videos about: Whoopi Goldberg, Kerry Washington
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Random:Men who have that "Shut Yo Mouth" mane......
Pardon my absence folks. I've been out the game for a few days due to a cold, but I'm bizzack! With that being said, while being sick at home I had a lot of time on my hands. Which basically means, I watched waaaaay too much tv, lol. So, a few days ago I came across a documentary about "The BeeGees". I couldn't help but notice how FAB Barry Gibb's hair was. I then started thinking about how some men out here have better hairstyles than some women! A damn shame yet, very true. Here are a few guys who came to mind who let us "HAVE IT" with their fly tresses.......
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ode to my 20's: Now it's time to say goodbyyyyeeee…....
Well, it's about that time, today I officially give my "20's" the deuces. Tomorrow I'll be the big "30"-I don't know why, but I'm sooooo excited, I can't contain myself. I think it's a mixture everything. I'm approaching a new era in my life, huge changes are in store for me and just the fact that I'm blessed to see another year. Oh, and not to mention b-day surprises that my loved ones have planned for me. That's always a plus, a gal like me sure loves surprises, I'm not even gonna lie, lol.
On a serious note though, I don’t see why some folks get depressed when they get older. It's not a big deal for me, if anything, I look forward to it. You grow wiser, happier and sexier (well-for sum folks that is, lol) all in all-your LIVING and that's the point. Some people don't live to see past their 20's heck, past their teens! That's unfortunate, so instead of complaining that I'm getting old, and getting all depressed. I'm going to embrace my age whether it be 30, 40, 50 or 60. I think folks should wake the f*ck up and be greatful their old ass is here, lol.
I can definitely say that I enjoyed my 20's, I basically did all that I wanted to. Not saying that my life is going downhill from this point on. I'm just saying I did all the crazy things that one in their 20's should do. I've also had plenty of life changing experiences during those years, good and bad. It molded me into the woman that I am today. My early 20's were great-"21" I was officially inebriated by my older sis. I mean, HARD BODY. I don't even know how I got home, just woke up the next day on the living room floor fully dressed-stilettos and all. That's the way you have to do it though, go in with a bang. Throughout those years I did the typical, partied super hard with the dolls, made a lot of mistakes, tried to discover who "Lolly" was. Dabbled in a few hobbies, learned a few things about myself that I liked and didn't like. I even tried to record an album, did a few demos. Yes, ya girl sings, been doing it since I was 5. I just do it for fun now though, I'll leave that stuff for the Beyonce's of the world. Met some crazy people and got rid of some crazy people, HA. Mid 20's-I was at a stage of confusion in my life. Didn't know where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. I got into meditation and explored my relationship with God a lil deeper. Found answers to several questions that I had. I started my job at MTV, finally moved out of my parents house and was on my own. It was scary but I felt liberated!
Just when I thought things were finally going right, when I turned 24 my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I thought that was the end of my world. My mother was super woman to me, my best friend, my confidant, my ace and my world. She was freaking "Zena The Warrior Princess", lol. I just knew she'd push through. Years passed, and majority of my mid-20's were spent watching my mom slip away. It was the hardest, most painful thing I ever endured in my life. Yet, it made me who I am. At the age of 27 I lost my mother Bernadette Daniel. When that happened, I just thought that was it. I lost my life….but through my mother's death I learned so much. I learned how to cope with things, how to love harder, how to be stronger and how to be happier. I now, not only live for myself but live for my mom. I want to make her proud, she blessed me with life and I plan on living every bit of it to the fullest for her!!!! Now in my late 20's, I can say that there is still plenty for me to learn. Also, probably a few more mistakes to make, but I am definitely prepared this time. I am healthy, happy, have a job, have my AMAZING family, great friends, found the love of my life who treats me like a queen and most important, I have my peace of mind. Most people in their 30's can't say that therefore, I am blessed. Thank you God and I am ready to embrace this new chapter in my life……..

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Stupid is as Stupid does.........
Although I heard about this story a long time ago-it still makes me laugh. Elizabeth Frisinger, who was 18 at the time, lost her virginity on the beach while on a class trip. She was so excited and decided to text her friend. What she didn't realize was that she accidently texted her dad!!!! My pops would have jumped on a plane and beat my ass if front of dude I gave my sweets to, lol. Nice going Elizabeth-BOOM......
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Ahhhhh-It's that time of the year again people. All my Virgos stand up.....
*CUE: The Virgo Birthday shake!!!!
Yup, VIRGO TIME....ya girl is turning "30" this Friday-Yes, the big 3-0. I am beyond excited for various reasons. It's just something about turning 30 that gets me all worked up. It's such a great age, new experiences, new outlook on life, etc.....Most important, I am blessed with another year on this earth. Thank you Lord!!!!
*Shout out to these other fab Virgos..........
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Song of the day: Miguel -"All I Want Is You".....
Be on the look out for this young man. Miguel, 22 years old is of African and Mexican descent and has been singing since the age of 5. His new hit "All I want Is You" has been playing non-stop on the radio. I always wondered who was the artist behind this song. I finally discovered who he was the other day when I saw his video on tv. Love his voice and love this song-kudos Miguel.......
*Here is another song of his- "Sure Thing".....
*Here is another song of his- "Sure Thing".....
Random: I'm ashamed-Yes, I quit my veggie detox........
So, that veggie detox I was doing, umerrrraaaaa yea. It got the best of me and I had to stop! I know, I know....I was "supposed" to thug it out. Didn't turn out that way, started to become sick and my body wasn't used to all that ruffage. Sorry champ, maybe next time. Whamp Whamp whamp..........
Monday, August 30, 2010
My Life: DAMN...DAMN...DAMN...DETOX......
So, I'm doing this 3 day raw veggie detox. Today is my first day and I swear I am hallucinating mind you, it's only 12 noon. All I can think about are burgers, and fries and sweets oh my......I'm finna go nuts in here! I am not doing for weight reasons bc I do love my curves. I'm just doing it to cleanse myself and get a little more energy. Ya girl is turning 30 next week and I must start preserving my sexy now, lol:)
My breakfast consist of fresh fruits and nuts, lunch-spinach salad w/ the works, no meat or cheese tho-*sigh*. Snack-probably a veggie juice or more nuts. Dinner-more salad or just some fresh broccolli, zucchini, carrots, peppers-yadda yadda yadda things like that-you get the picture. Oh, and lots and lots of WATER. This is actually harder than I thought, I am a huge food lover/meatatarian therefore, this is torture for me. Yet, I am going to push through, I know it's only 3 days, but it feels like an eternity. With that being said, I'll just continue to thug it out. Seriously though, I am warning folks, until Thursday this is all they'll be hearing from me.......
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