-Don't open the door for your lady: Not attractive men, I know your mama's raised you better than that. Help us believe that chivalry is NOT dead.
-Pick up your date without bathing: I mean, why the hell would you do that? Have that ish SITUATED prior to reaching the door step!
-Front like your something that your not: Fellas don't lie to a chick and tell her your a V.P. @ a famous record label when your really the janitor.
-wear fronts in your mouth: No ma'am- Can you say bad hygiene? Food getting caught in it and damn near errrthang else. You can have anything from last weeks grits to pub hairs up in there-YUCK. Fronts in your mouth equals hot rattle snake breath.
-Cuss in front of your mama: I think that's beyond tacky and disrespectful. If you act a fool like that in front of mom, how the hell will you act around your date?
-don't go down on your girl, nuff said. Lmfao.
-think having a convo about your hustling days is attractive: Intellect & a clean record equals sexy!
-wear your jeans tighter than mine e.g. :
-look like this
-Or, have a beard like this
****Please take note people-Just my thoughts:)