***fyi- check out her clothing line -http://violettenewyork.com/collection/summer-2009/
Friday, January 22, 2010
Fashion spotlight: Cool Gal On Da Block "Vashtie Kola".....
Being that I am a major fashion head myself, I gravitate towards free spirited, fashionistas who dare to be themselves!!! Therefore, I decided that the fashion spotlight of the day is going to ole girl "Vashtie Kola". I must give props where props are due and V's style is too kool for school, lol. Video director, Party promoter, photographer and fashion designer-this gal does it all!!! I can appreciate a chick that can go from a pair of Jordans to stilettos. This tomboy meets vintage/ 80's/indie/ designer handbag junky is a force to be reckoned with. From the flannel shirts, the leggings, the Jordans and hoodies...the fashion maven makes it look good. Kudos V, keep stylin on these fools!!! :)
***fyi- check out her clothing line -http://violettenewyork.com/collection/summer-2009/
***fyi- check out her clothing line -http://violettenewyork.com/collection/summer-2009/
Random thought of the moment.....
Friday's Quotes- I just adore so many of Marilyn Monroe's sayings, that I had such a hard time picking one. Therefore, I decided to share a few of my favs with ya, enjoy.....
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
"When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them."
"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world."
"The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space."
"I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it."
"Well behaved women rarely make history."
"Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn't that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you."
I'm selfish at times, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
Thursday, January 21, 2010
80's classic The A-Team........
In the early 80's I recall my older brother and my dad being plastered to the tv watching the A-Team. Being that I was easily influenced by the men in my family, I too became a huge fan, lol. Saturday nights... it was "Knight Rider" and "A-Team" time!!! My fav was "Baracus" played by Mr. T who would always drink milk and was afraid of flying. Also, "Face" who always had a certain swag, I never understood how he could do all that cool stuff in a suit and never get dirty-hahaha!! The show was action packed and always had me on the edge of my seat. With that being said, I was ecstatic to see that they are coming out with a movie for this 80's classic. It's starring Bradley Cooper from "The Hangover"- I praaaaaayyyyyy they do this movie justice and don't kill it for true die hard A-Team fans like myself:)
**Check out this trailer- movie drops June 2010....
Thursday's Quote:
The secret of many a man's success in the world resides in his insight into the moods of men and his tact in dealing with them. -J. G. Holland
Fashion @ the Golden Globes that made me smile and also hurl....
Ok, I'm going to be honest, I could care less about watching the"Golden Globe Awards" but, I do watch the red carpet event, hahaha. I just love seeing what folks are wearing in fashion these days. So, with that being said I wanted to share with you all who was my fav and who looked a hot stir fried mess that night!!
*Worst dressed was a tie between the 2 Christina's!!!! Christina Aguilera and Christina Hendrick....
That pink and metallic dress looks as if Edward Scissor hands made it. Also, those black shoes are a NO BUENO (SIGH)....cute hair tho:)
This ish right heeeerrrreeeee leaves me with a bewildered look on my face. UMMMMMMM (CRICKETS). First off- the material looks like a cheap satin bedspread and the design is ill fitting. On top of that the color...oh my word, she is waaayyy too pale for this, my eyes hurt-NEXT!
*Worst dressed was a tie between the 2 Christina's!!!! Christina Aguilera and Christina Hendrick....

*Best dressed goes to my girl Halle, it never ceases to amaze me how fly she is!!!! Never a dull moment Ms. Berry, kudos to you. There is not much to say, just look at her, the hair, the fit of the dress eeerrrthang, lol. Go mama. Sidebar- this chick always makes me wanna cut my hair short again!!! mmmmm......
Fashion: Disco Pants make me wanna dance!!!!
So...over the weekend I stumbled upon "American Apparel" and although, these have probably been out for a min (whamp whamp) I'm a lil late. Hey, a chic has been trying to maintain and be easy on my shopping game, lol. Anyhoo...I discovered these "DISCO PANTS", it was love at first sight!!!!! It wasn't just the mere fact that all the colors were poppin like a pack of skittles BUT, the material alone got my attention. They are shiny, high waisted and SKIN TIGHT!!!! Can you say SEEEEXXYY?!?!?! They seem as if they are painted on ya, and the more curves the better. They are the type of pants that make the women hate ya and make your man weak at the knees (if worn properly). All in all, the disco pants get a thumbs up in my book!!!! I must get myself a pair (preferably red) something about that color makes me feel like a sex goddess:) Check out the nearest American Apparel store dolls, they also run about 80 bucks ( I know yikes but so worth it). Happy shopping!!!!
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