As the end of the year is slowly approaching….only 2 months to go, I am doing a lot of reflecting. Amongst many things that's running through my head one that stands out is my mama. This Saturday 11/7 will make 2 yrs since my mom Bernadette Daniel has passed away from cancer. Some days I make it through the pain and try to drown myself in my work and surround myself w/ folks who love me. Yet, no matter what you do it never ever removes the emptiness you feel. It seems like yesterday I was laying in the bed with my mama combing her hair and laughing with her. Life is beyond precious….since losing my mother I have a new appreciation for people I Iove and just life period. I just can't stress enough to folks how amazing the love of a mother is…….or a parent in general. If any of you have an estranged relationship with your mom or dad please try to rectify it before it is too late. It is not worth it….I was fortunate enough to have an AMAZING relationship with my mom, she was my best friend, my mentor and my hero. Eventhough, I was very close with her I still wish there was more I could have done with her. I'd give my left arm just to have her back with me for one more day. Just to hold her face, smell her hair, eat her food, laugh with her …heck- even get cussed out by her haha, I'd give the world. With that being said, for those who still have your mom's still here with you, you are VERY lucky! The best advice I can give you is TAKE TOO MANY PICTURES, GIVE HER TOO MANY HUGS & KISSES, LAUGH TOO MUCH WITH HER, TELL HER YOU LOVE HER TOO MUCH, SAVOR RANDOM MOMENTS YOU HAVE WITH HER and most important RESPECT her. You only have one mom and trust when I tell you- when she is gone you will wish that you did all of the above and then some. Always remember you will never get the chance to make that quality time up. As I wipe my tears as I'm writing this I will hold my head high like my mommy taught me. I will move forward knowing that she is still very much with me everyday. I am reminded that whenever I look in the mirror, I see and I feel you mama. I salute you and I'm honored to be your daughter!!! Give me strength to make it through this Saturday, for I don't know how to mask my pain from losing you. Yet, I will try my best….promise! I have amazing people sticking by me and helping me through this mommy…thanks for blessing me with daddy, Marge, Greg & Noah and for keeping us strong. Thanks for my amazing friends who make me laugh when I wanna cry Sheeks, Kellz & Lah. Also, thank you for my baby Phoenix, he keeps me strong and supports me every step of the way. Can't wait for the day I see that beautiful face again….I love you and as Frank Sinatra said "I'll Be seeing you in all the old familiar places"………..
Pumpkin :)
Thanks for the shout out! Your mom will forever be missed. And just know you is looking down on you er'day!
I could not have put this into words any better than you did. You are truely mommys daughter. Love you and I miss her too, but you know that she is forever with us. love ya Marge.
Thanks for the shout out! Your mom will forever be missed. And just know you is looking down on you er'day!
I could not have put this into words any better than you did. You are truely mommys daughter. Love you and I miss her too, but you know that she is forever with us. love ya Marge.
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