So Unpretty.........
So….I bumped into this little girl on the train this morning who was the cutest thing ever. She was having a convo with her mom and being that I 4got my ipod @ home, I heard every damn thing on the train (whamp whamp). Being that the girl was talking so loud to her mom, I had no choice but to ear hustle, lol. She was about 5 yrs old, but boy was she talking. The conversation was random and she was telling her mom about her gym class and friends at school etc…..As the train pulled up to 125th st the little girl started talking about how pretty her friend Cassie was. I thought to myself-awwwww she thinks fondly of her friend…then, the convo took a weird turn. She then said "I think Cassie is so much prettier than me mommy, how can I be pretty". I was floored when I heard this little girl…not only was this girl BEAUTIFUL but @ such a young age her self esteem was 4 shot:( It honestly broke my heart to hear her say that. It also made me realize that us as women need to definitely encourage our young sisters to think highly of themselves!! No matter what you look like you should ALWAYS FEEL AND KNOW that you are beautiful, and never feel as if someone is better than you. Don't get me wrong now, it's totally fine to give other women compliments and never hate. I congratulate chicks all the time and tell them if they look nice, that's just me though. Not all women are like that….self esteem is one of the major issues that young girls face today. I was really disturbed that this little girl who was so young thought that she wasn't pretty. I cannot stress enough to you women the importance of knowing how beautiful you are inside and out. If you don't think highly of yourself TRUST when I say no one else will. Know that you are a queen, know that you are beautiful, know that you are fly, sexy, swagged out, intelligent, funny, corky, whatever it may be. Just KNOW that you are "THAT GIRL" and you are untouchable…not in a cocky way now, but just think highly of yourself. Love yourself unconditionally and know that you are perfect and if nobody else acknowledges that, God does. Jay -Z said it best "“…Remind yourself. Nobody built like you, you design yourself…” and I'm gonna end on that note….
I agree we need to teach all our children that they are beautiful and should now their worth. Thanks this was a good read.
So what did the mom say to her in response?
I love this...thanks for posting. It is so sad what some of our youth view as beauty which eventually sticks with them to adult hood. Inner beauty is whats most important, which will eventually shine right through to the external. I wish more women would empower themselves so they can inturn teach the younger girls what beauty is. It's not the best physical assets but it does start with our hearts, soul and mind.
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