Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My letter to Life........

Dear Life,

I come to you today with a great urge to express how much I love ya. You truly make my heart pop on a one hand stand!!! I'm not going to lie though...sometimes you throw curve balls at me which makes me wanna spazz out! Yet, at the end of the day you always seem to teach me a lesson. Every morning when I open my eyes, I am greeted with the constant reminder that I am blessed with you. I consider myself a big dreamer with a massive heart. I'm a pretty easy going woman that ADORES the simple things in life. I love day dreaming, kittens, laughing, ice cream, love making, freedom, music, being ambitious, angels, the dimple in my man's left cheek on his face (lol), cheeseburgers (although they aren't good 4 me), my family/friends/my man, I have a weird fascination with the TLC channel and I also plan on taking over the world:). Call it crazy but that's the kind of woman I am….little Miss Daniel, and I love myself to bits and fucking pieces (pardon my french). Unfortunately, I know that you are not going to be with me forever therefore, I ask that our time together be special. Help me take total advantage of you (in a good way), teach me to soak you up and absorb all your juices. I know you have a reputation of being a heartbreaker and may have the tendency of dumping people. I know this because you left my mom, I don't think she was too hurt though. She told me once in a dream that she forgives you and that you meant well. She said that there was a reason behind you dumping her, I now understand that reason. Although, I am hurt, I thank you for helping her not feel pain anymore from the cancer. Your presence is overwhelming at times, you are filled with pain, love, happiness, confusion, anger, bliss, tears and the list goes on. I know that some people don't appreciate you and at times may dump "you" before you dump "them". I never understood why some folks do that…..maybe they are not happy within themselves and feel the need to cut loose from you. One will never know. I don’t exactly know what your plans are for me. I just ask that you give me a little time to perfect my craft and serve my purpose here. Give me the opportunity to touch lives. Also, please be kind to my family and loved ones…try to not break up with them so fast and work through the trying times. I know it will eventually happen one day but no time soon. Try to toughen it out with us and stand the rain. When that day comes where you write me your infamous "Dear John" letter, I pray that I am prepared. Well, shit I'm lying I don’t think I'll ever be prepared, lol. I just hope whenever that time comes, that I have done all I can do here. Be patient with me until I am ready to let you go.  Until then, Imma ride you til the wheels fall off, haha!!!!!!! Thank you for understanding Life:)



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