Saturday, January 9, 2010


Currently: Frustrated. Must. Find.Way.To. Release.This. TENSION/STRESS!!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Random: Ahhhhhh my never ending journey, just me and my hair:)......

Throughout the years I've experimented so much with my hair.  Since H.S. I've styled/colored it so many different ways... brown, red, long, bob cut, curly, pixie you name-I did it!  I recently decided to grow my hair back out and it's going through this in between phase which I am trying to bare with, ggrrrrrr.  Anyhoo, as I was cleaning out my inbox today, I came across some old pics of me with my different hair styles and thought I'd share! Who knows, if I can't thug this in between "Tiny Tim" stage out (lol), I just may go back to my Halle Berry cut:)

It all started with the pigtails....

I tried the long thing which wasn't too bad.....

I also tried the bob cut w/ the bangs...

Even tried the short layered look....

Then...I finally got the guts to get my pixie Halle cut on...

tapered on the sides and curly on top...
Decided to grow it out a little and try something funky...

tried the mohawk thing w/ the rat tail....

Curly short...

Rockstar/spike look....
short cropped bronze....

and here i am back to letting it grow out, let's see how this turns out folks.  Wish me luck.....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Fashion: New Gucci for men....

* New 2010 exclusive knit black and grey wool hat.

* lace-up sneakers with signature web, white nylon, white suede with green/red/green web and red leather trim rubber sole.  Hot shit, no man can't go wrong with these on-super CLEAN!!!

Where are they now?! Nu Shooz....


"Nu Shooz" is the husband and wife duo (John Smith and Valerie Day) who graced us with the HOT single "I Can't Wait" in the mid 80's.  I remember being a little girl rocking to this song, gazing at my big sis with envy as she put on lipstick, lol.  Anyone, who is a true 80's baby could appreciate this song!!!  Although, Nu Shooz were basically a one hit wonder...they will always be known for making folks jam to this hit.  Heck, I still have this song on my i pod as we speak:)  John and Valerie released their last album in 2006 and now reside in Portland, OR where they continue to perform at local spots. 

*sidebar-now that I really pay attention to this video, I realize how stupid it is!!  Song is still dope though, lol :)

Wednesday's Quote:

“Gratitude is the aristocrat of attitude – when you have gratitude in your soul, it doesn’t give the ego too much space to operate, it pushes the ego to the side – so own gratitude, it elevates one self.” -Dr. Cornell West

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My letter to Life........

Dear Life,

I come to you today with a great urge to express how much I love ya. You truly make my heart pop on a one hand stand!!! I'm not going to lie though...sometimes you throw curve balls at me which makes me wanna spazz out! Yet, at the end of the day you always seem to teach me a lesson. Every morning when I open my eyes, I am greeted with the constant reminder that I am blessed with you. I consider myself a big dreamer with a massive heart. I'm a pretty easy going woman that ADORES the simple things in life. I love day dreaming, kittens, laughing, ice cream, love making, freedom, music, being ambitious, angels, the dimple in my man's left cheek on his face (lol), cheeseburgers (although they aren't good 4 me), my family/friends/my man, I have a weird fascination with the TLC channel and I also plan on taking over the world:). Call it crazy but that's the kind of woman I am….little Miss Daniel, and I love myself to bits and fucking pieces (pardon my french). Unfortunately, I know that you are not going to be with me forever therefore, I ask that our time together be special. Help me take total advantage of you (in a good way), teach me to soak you up and absorb all your juices. I know you have a reputation of being a heartbreaker and may have the tendency of dumping people. I know this because you left my mom, I don't think she was too hurt though. She told me once in a dream that she forgives you and that you meant well. She said that there was a reason behind you dumping her, I now understand that reason. Although, I am hurt, I thank you for helping her not feel pain anymore from the cancer. Your presence is overwhelming at times, you are filled with pain, love, happiness, confusion, anger, bliss, tears and the list goes on. I know that some people don't appreciate you and at times may dump "you" before you dump "them". I never understood why some folks do that…..maybe they are not happy within themselves and feel the need to cut loose from you. One will never know. I don’t exactly know what your plans are for me. I just ask that you give me a little time to perfect my craft and serve my purpose here. Give me the opportunity to touch lives. Also, please be kind to my family and loved ones…try to not break up with them so fast and work through the trying times. I know it will eventually happen one day but no time soon. Try to toughen it out with us and stand the rain. When that day comes where you write me your infamous "Dear John" letter, I pray that I am prepared. Well, shit I'm lying I don’t think I'll ever be prepared, lol. I just hope whenever that time comes, that I have done all I can do here. Be patient with me until I am ready to let you go.  Until then, Imma ride you til the wheels fall off, haha!!!!!!! Thank you for understanding Life:)



Random thought of the moment.....

I'm so intrigued and inspired when I see others following their bliss.......yup:)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Random: She's his lil quarterback ya ya dig- all u dudes fall back he'll split your wig!! Jay-z goes in on Ursher on NYE'S LMAO-MMMM...wonder how true this is, ha.....

Sooooo..... Jigga threw a NYE'S party in St. Barts with his wifey.  Word is that Usher got a bit tipsy and so did Bee, it was rumored that they got a lil too close for comfort with the "friendliness".  Jay was not too happy with that and word on the streets is that Sean Carter gave Mr. Raymond the BEENEEZ in front of folks at the party!  LMFAO-be easy when you sippy sippy Usher:)  Jay looks a lil tight to me in the pic, I'm just saying, lol.

Rules of a huslter for 2010.....

"It never was my thinking that made the big money for me. It was always my sitting. Got that? My sitting tight!" –Edwin Lefevre
  • Have an emergency fund- Put aside money that you ARE NOT going to touch, look at, or even sniff UNLESS of an emergency. Whether you put it in a bank account or even hide it under a bed-PUT IT ASIDE AND SAVE!!!! Take money out of your check bi-weekly, it can range from 20 bucks to 100. Trust, no matter how much the amount is, when you are consistent with saving it, it will eventually accumulate.
  • Always have a side hustle - Try to get your hands in as many projects as possible. My motto is to always keep busy and why not have 2 jobs instead of one, if it’s DOABLE:) If it pays-GREAT, if not, and you can get experience, I still say-GREAT! Sometimes we have to take risks in life- and a lot of those risks may be financial. If it is worth it and it makes sense, I say go for it, you only live once.
  • Shop on a budget-I know some folks may wanna look nice and keep up with the fashion game. No need to fret people, there is a way that you can look jazzy and avoid keeping your pockets hollow!!! Instead of getting the typical Gucci, Prada, LV etc….my people, there is nothing wrong with the H&M's of the world, Gap or heck even Old Navy. Give yourself a budget and take someone shopping with you who has a great sense of style. I, myself am a serious fashion head and a major bargain shopper!!!! I can shop with the best of them and can guarantee you some hot ish on a budget! Therefore, try to be a little low key with the gear but still make it look fresh!!!   "Fashion is made to become unfashionable." –Coco Chanel
  • Pay Off debt- There is nothing worse than owing someone money.  Whether it be student loans, auntie NeeNee, credit cards, rent, cable etc....It is NOT I REPEAT, NOT A GOOD LOOK.  Trust, I know from experience and learned a tough lesson.  Therefore, get that straightened out folks, asap!!!
  • Money is a vehicle-Money is a tool to build whatever you want to build, get you to wherever you want to get. Therefore, use it wisely people, invest wisely, spend wisely and save wisely!!!
  • Learn to brand yourself- Get your name out there whether it's through blogging, television, parties etc. It's your job to educate people on who YOU ARE-be fearless and put them on to you, get out there and network, let your presence be known! Be your biggest fan- my motto is "IF YOU SPEAK/HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY, THEY WILL COME":) HOLLA!
  • Never let the HATE stop you- allow it to be your fuel, never let it hinder you. Always keep positive driven folks around you. Always support your fam/significant other as they support you. Keep them driven, happy and hold them down, it shall then be recipricated. Wear your battle gear when it comes to haters/dream killers-KEEP IT MOVING and proceed towards your goals!!!

New video pick of the day Jay Z feat Swizzy "On To The Next"-luv this.....

Monday's Quotes...

"Fuck proving others wrong- Prove yourself right"-Lolly

Govern thy life and thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one and read the other. -Thomas Fuller